Tran Le Tra received his Master Degree in Human Ecology in Belgium in 2005 and Postgraduate Diploma in Development Administration in the UK in 1998. For the last 15 years, Tra has developed his career as a coordinator of academic programs and then, as consultant and facilitator in the field of development where decentralisation, empowerment and community participation are the core principles. Tra is very familiar with the interdisciplinary approach and is an expert in the fields of Human Ecology, Development Administration and Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation. He has good understanding and experience of working with Government agencies at different levels and with International donors, including UNDP, Sida, Cida etc...
Tra is a rare case of a male consultant who has good experience in promoting gender equality and gender mainstreaming. He is currently Gender Advisor of the Cida-funded Vietnam Provincial Environmental Governance (VPEG) and DANIDA-funded Agriculture & Rural Development Budget Support Program (ARD SPS).